Subsea Engineering: Diving

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Divided into :

i) Air Diving (1-50m)
ii) Saturation Diving (>50m)

Basic Air Spread :

i) Launch & Recovery System ( LARS )
ii) HP & LP Compressor ( for breathing )
iii) Air Basket/Cage & Clump Weight
iv) Air winch/tugger
v) Air Diving Contol Panel
vi) Diving Helmet/Mask
vii) Hydraulic Power Pack
viii) Umbilical
ix) Hyperbaric Rescue Chamber (HRC)/Decompression Deck Chamber ( DDC )

Basic Saturation Spread :

i) Launch & Recovery System ( LARS )
ii) Environmental Control Unit
iii) Diving Bell and Living Chamber ( for diver )
iv) Heliox Gas
v) Sat Diving Contol Panel
vi) Diving Helmet/Mask
vii) Hydraulic Power Pack
viii) Umbilical
ix) Self-Propelled Hyperbaric Lifeboat ( SPHL ) and davit

Just some information, based on what my manager told me roughly. I’m just a young engineer in this field.


ijam said...

sgt jeles!

s i p u t u r b o said...

boleh saya bantu ije?

Electric Cylinder said...

Subsea engineering, huh.

Dupont Hydro Industries said...

Dupont Hydro is a leading manufacturer and supplier of hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic jacks, hydraulic power packs and repairs.